.. _build-your-cms: Build your CMS ============== This guide shows step by step how to use the tools provided by feincms3 to build your own CMS. .. note:: If you just want to quickly check out what feincms3 is capable of, have a look at the `feincms3-example `__ project. It shows how everything works together, but also uses advanced functionality which might be confusing to newcomers and is not necessary for smaller CMS projects. Getting started ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install feincms3 and all recommended dependencies: .. code-block:: shell pip install feincms3[all] Add the following settings: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "feincms3", "content_editor", # Optional, but not for this guide: "ckeditor", "imagefield", ] Models ~~~~~~ The page model and a few plugins could be defined as follows: .. code-block:: python from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from content_editor.models import Region, create_plugin_base from feincms3 import plugins from feincms3.pages import AbstractPage class Page(AbstractPage): regions = [ Region(key="main", title=_("Main")), ] PagePlugin = create_plugin_base(Page) class RichText(plugins.richtext.RichText, PagePlugin): pass class Image(plugins.image.Image, PagePlugin): pass .. note:: The bundled rich text plugin (which we're going to integrate) uses :class:`feincms3.cleanse.CleansedRichTextField` which always sends HTML through `html-sanitizer `_. The default configuration of HTML sanitizer is really restrictive and removes images (besides other things such as normalizing the HTML and removing script tags etc.) HTML copy-pasted from other sources (e.g. Word) is often messy. It is generally a good idea to sanitize HTML on the server side to prevent XSS attacks or even just the general uglyness that results from giving website editors too much freedom. We almost never allow embedding images, tables etc. into rich text elements on our sites. It is just too easy to add a 10MB JPEG or even a BMP file and scale it down to 50x50. Adding images as a separate plugin has other benefits too: No parsing of rich texts to replace images, it's much easier to e.g. create a lightbox, use the first image on the site as teaser image or whatever comes to your mind. That being said, adding your own rich text plugin which allows whatever you want is quite straightforward and completely supported. Rendering and templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's an example how plugins could be rendered, ``app.pages.renderer``: .. code-block:: python from django.utils.html import format_html, mark_safe from feincms3.renderer import RegionRenderer from .models import Page, RichText, Image renderer = RegionRenderer() renderer.register( RichText, lambda plugin, context: mark_safe(plugin.text), ) renderer.register( Image, lambda plugin, context: format_html( '
', plugin.image.url, plugin.caption, ), ) Of course if you'd rather let plugins use templates, do this: .. code-block:: python from feincms3.renderer import template_renderer renderer.register( Image, template_renderer("plugins/image.html"), ) And the associated template::
{{ plugin.caption }} {% if plugin.caption %}
{{ plugin.caption }}
{% endif %}
The default image field also offers built-in support for thumbnailing and cropping with a PPOI (primary point of interest); have a look at the `django-imagefield `_ docs to find out how. And a ``pages/standard.html`` template:: {% extends "base.html" %} {% load feincms3 %} {% block title %}{{ page.title }} - {{ block.super }}{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ page.title }}

{% render_region page_regions "main" %}
{% endblock %} It is recommended to add a utility as follows to the ``app.pages.renderer`` module: .. code-block:: python def page_context(request, *, page): # page = page or page_for_app_request(request) page.activate_language(request) ancestors = list(page.ancestors().reverse()) return { "page": page, "page_regions": renderer.regions_from_item( page, inherit_from=ancestors, timeout=30, ), } Middleware ~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: The guide previously recommended to use a standard view for rendering pages. The problem is that you have to add a catch-all pattern to your URLconf which has some unwanted interactions e.g. with ``i18n_patterns``. (All paths are resolvable but visiting them might still obviously generate 404 errors.) Because of this the guide now recommends using a middleware. Feel free to upgrade your code whenever you feel like it. Using :ref:`urls-and-views` is documented and there's no reason to think it won't work in the future. It is recommended to use a middleware to render pages. You're completely free to define your own middleware or even your own views and URLs. That being said, the ``AbstractPage`` class already has a ``get_absolute_url`` implementation which returns the page's ``path``. If the Django app isn't mounted at ``/`` (this is possible but improbable) ``get_absolute_url`` automatically prepends the script prefix. .. note:: ``AbstractPage.get_absolute_url`` still tries reversing ``pages:page`` and ``pages:root`` before falling back to the behavior described above. A basic middleware module ``app.pages.middleware`` would look as follows: .. code-block:: python from django.shortcuts import render from app.pages.models import Page from app.pages.renderer import page_context def page_middleware(get_response): def middleware(request): response = get_response(request) if response.status_code != 404: # Someone else already handled this request return response # path is the full path, path_info excludes the script prefix. if page := Page.objects.active().filter(path=request.path_info).first(): return render( request, "pages/standard.html", page_context(request, page=page), ) # No page found, fall back to the original 404 response return response return middleware The ``app.pages.middleware.page_middleware`` middleware should be added at the end of ``MIDDLEWARE``: .. code-block:: python MIDDLEWARE = [ ... "app.pages.middleware.page_middleware", ] .. note:: Check :ref:`ref-root` later for more advanced middleware utilities. .. admonition:: Historical note `FeinCMS `_ provided request and response processors and several ways how plugins (in FeinCMS: content types) could hook into the request-response processing. This isn't necessary with feincms3 -- simply put the functionality into your own code. Admin classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's an example how the ``app.pages.admin`` module might look like: .. code-block:: python from django.contrib import admin from content_editor.admin import ContentEditor from feincms3 import plugins from feincms3.admin import TreeAdmin from app.pages import models class PageAdmin(ContentEditor, TreeAdmin): list_display = ["indented_title", "move_column", "is_active"] prepopulated_fields = {"slug": ("title",)} raw_id_fields = ["parent"] inlines = [ plugins.richtext.RichTextInline.create(models.RichText), plugins.image.ImageInline.create(models.Image), ] # fieldsets = ... (Recommended! No example here though. Note # that the content editor not only allows collapsed, but also # tabbed fieldsets -- simply add 'tabbed' to the 'classes' key # the same way you'd add 'collapse'. # class Media: ... (Add font-awesome from a CDN and nicely # looking buttons for plugins as is described in # django-content-editor's documentation -- search for # "plugin_buttons.js") admin.site.register(models.Page, PageAdmin)