Source code for feincms3.embedding

Embedding videos and other 3rd party content without oEmbed.

import re
from urllib import parse

from django.utils.html import mark_safe

__all__ = ("embed_youtube", "embed_vimeo", "embed")

YOUTUBE_RE = re.compile(
    r"""youtu(\.?)be(\.com)?/  # match youtube's domains
        (\#/)? # for mobile urls
        (embed/|shorts/|watch/|live/)?  # match the embed/shorts/watch url syntax
        (watch\?v=)?  # match the youtube page url
        (?P<code>[\w\-]{11})[a-z0-9;:@?&%=+/\$_.-]*  # match and extract
    re.I | re.X,
VIMEO_RE = re.compile(
SRF_RE = [
    for r in (

[docs] def embed_youtube(url): """ Return HTML for embedding YouTube videos or ``None``, if argument isn't a YouTube link. The YouTube ``<iframe>`` is wrapped in a ``<div class="responsive-embed widescreen youtube">`` element. """ match = if not match: return None d = match.groupdict() return mark_safe( f'<div class="responsive-embed widescreen youtube">' f'<iframe src="{d["code"]}?rel=0"' f' frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="">' f"</iframe>" f"</div>" )
[docs] def embed_vimeo(url): """ Return HTML for embedding Vimeo videos or ``None``, if argument isn't a Vimeo link. The Vimeo ``<iframe>`` is wrapped in a ``<div class="responsive-embed widescreen vimeo">`` element. """ match = if not match: return None d = match.groupdict() return mark_safe( f'<div class="responsive-embed widescreen vimeo">' f'<iframe src="{d["code"]}"' f' frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="">' f"</iframe>" f"</div>" )
def embed_srf(url): """ Return HTML for embedding videos from SRF """ try: match = next(filter(None, ( for r in SRF_RE))) except StopIteration: return None d = match.groupdict() params = parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(url).query) id_ = d.get("id") or params["id"][0] type_ = "video" if d["type"] in ("tv", "video") else "audio" business_unit = d.get("business_unit", "srf") start = p[0] if (p := params.get("start")) else "" return mark_safe( '<div class="responsive-embed widescreen srfplay">' "<iframe " f"src='//{business_unit}:{type_}:{id_}&start={start}' " f"allowfullscreen frameborder='0' name='' " 'allow="geolocation *; autoplay; ' "'encrypted-media\"></iframe>" "</div>" ) _default_handlers = [embed_youtube, embed_vimeo, embed_srf]
[docs] def embed(url, *, handlers=_default_handlers): """embed(url, *, handlers=[embed_youtube, embed_vimeo, embed_srf]) Run a selection of embedding handlers and return the first value, or ``None`` if URL couldn't be processed by any handler. You could write your own handler converting the URL argument into a plain old anchor element or maybe even :func:`feincms3.plugins.external.oembed_html` if you wanted to fall back to oEmbed. """ for handler in handlers: html = handler(url) if html is not None: return html