Source code for feincms3.plugins.external

Uses the `Noembed <>`_ oEmbed service to embed (almost)
arbitrary URLs. Depends on `requests <>`_.

import json
from hashlib import md5

import requests
from content_editor.admin import ContentEditorInline
from django import forms
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models
from django.utils.html import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import gettext, gettext_lazy as _

__all__ = (

[docs] def oembed_json(url, *, cache_failures=True, force_refresh=False, params=None): """ Asks `Noembed <>`_ for the embedding HTML code for arbitrary URLs. Sites supported include YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter and many others. Successful embeds are always cached for 30 days. Failures are cached if ``cache_failures`` is ``True`` (the default). The durations are as follows: - Connection errors are cached 60 seconds with the hope that the connection failure is only transient. - HTTP errors codes and responses in an unexpected format (no JSON) are cached for 24 hours. The return value is always a dictionary, but it may be empty. """ # Thundering herd problem etc... p = {"url": url, "nowrap": "on", "maxwidth": 1200, "maxheight": 800} if params: p.update(params) key = ( "oembed-url-%s-data" % md5(json.dumps(p, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() ) data = None if force_refresh else cache.get(key) if data is not None: return data try: data = requests.get("", params=p, timeout=2).json() except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.ReadTimeout): # Connection failed? Hopefully temporary, try again soon. timeout = 60 except (ValueError, requests.HTTPError): # Oof... HTTP error code, or no JSON? Try again tomorrow, # and we should really log this. timeout = 86400 else: # Perfect, cache for 30 days cache.set(key, data, timeout=30 * 86400) return data if cache_failures: cache.set(key, {}, timeout=timeout) return {}
[docs] def oembed_html(url, **kwargs): """ Wraps :func:`~feincms3.plugins.external.oembed_json`, but only returns the HTML part of the OEmbed response. The return value is always either a HTML fragment or an empty string. """ return oembed_json(url, **kwargs).get("html", "")
[docs] def render_external(plugin, context=None, **kwargs): """ Render the plugin, embedding it in the appropriate markup for `Foundation's responsive-embed element <>`__ The HTML embed code is generated using :func:`~feincms3.plugins.external.oembed_html`. Maybe you want to take a look at :mod:`feincms3.embedding` for a less versatile but much faster alternative. """ html = oembed_html(plugin.url) if "" in html: html = f'<div class="responsive-embed widescreen youtube">{html}</div>' elif "" in html: html = f'<div class="responsive-embed widescreen vimeo">{html}</div>' return mark_safe(html)
[docs] class External(models.Model): """ External content plugin """ url = models.URLField(_("URL")) alternative_text = models.CharField( _("alternative text"), help_text=_("Describe the contents, e.g. for screenreaders."), max_length=1000, blank=True, ) caption = models.CharField(_("caption"), blank=True, max_length=1000) class Meta: abstract = True verbose_name = _("external content") def __str__(self): return self.caption or self.url
[docs] class NoembedValidationForm(forms.ModelForm): """ Tries fetching the oEmbed code for the given URL when cleaning form data This isn't active by default. If you want to validate URLs you should use the following snippet: .. code-block:: python from app.pages import models from feincms3 import plugins class SomeAdmin(...): inlines = [ ... plugins.external.ExternalInline.create( model=models.External, form=plugins.external.NoembedValidationForm, ), ... ] """
[docs] def clean(self): data = super().clean() url = data.get("url") if url and not oembed_html(url, cache_failures=False): raise forms.ValidationError( gettext("Unable to fetch HTML for this URL, sorry!") ) return data
[docs] class ExternalInline(ContentEditorInline): button = '<span class="material-icons">movie_creation</span>'