Multilingual sites

This guide shows you how to implement several languages in a single site.


If you also want to serve multiple sites in a single Django installation you should start here and continue with Multisite setup.

Making the page language selectable

Pages may come in varying languages. LanguageMixin helps with that. It adds a language_code field to the model which allows selecting the language based on settings.LANGUAGES. The first language is set as default:

from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from feincms3.mixins import LanguageMixin
from feincms3.pages import AbstractPage

class Page(AbstractPage, LanguageMixin):
    class Meta(AbstractPage.Meta):
        unique_together = [("language_code", "translation_of")]

Activating the language

The activate_language method is the preferred way to activate the page’s language for the current request. It runs django.utils.translation.activate and sets request.LANGUAGE_CODE to the value of django.utils.translation.get_language, the same things Django’s LocaleMiddleware does.

Note that activate may fail and get_language might return a different language, however that’s not specific to feincms3.

page = ...  # MAGIC! (or maybe get_object_or_404...)


page.activate_language does not persist the language across requests as Django’s django.views.i18n.set_language does. (set_language modifies the session and sets cookies.) That is mostly what you want though since the page’s language is tied to its URL.

Page tree tips

I most often add a root page per language, which means that the main navigation’s tree_depth would be 1, not 0. The menu template tags described in Navigation generation recipes would also require an additional .filter(language_code=django.utils.translation.get_language()) statement to only return pages in the current language.

A page tree might look as follows then:

Home (EN)
- About us
- News

Startseite (DE)
- Über uns
- Neuigkeiten

Page d'acceuil (FR)
- A propos de nous
- Actualité

By manually setting the slug of all root pages to their respective language code (e.g. Home (EN) has a URL of /en/, Startseite (DE) a URL of /de/) you can generate a navigation pointing to all sites in their respective language (assuming that the built-in template context processor django.template.context_processors.i18n is active):

<nav class="languages">
{% for code, name in LANGUAGES %}
  <a href="/{{ code }}/">{{ name }}</a>
{% endfor %}