Root middleware for pages (feincms3.root)#

Page middleware (feincms3.root.middleware)#

The guide recommends using a middleware for the feincms3 pages app. This module offers helpers and utilities to reduce the amount of code you have to write. The reason why this module is called root is that the page app’s mountpoint has to be the Python app’s mountpoint when using this. If that’s not the case you may want to write your own URLs and views.

Example code for using this module (e.g. app.pages.middleware):

from django.shortcuts import render
from feincms3.root.middleware import add_redirect_handler, create_page_if_404_middleware

from app.pages.models import Page
from app.pages.utils import page_context

# The page handler receives the request and the page.
# ``add_redirect_handler`` wraps the handler function with support for the
# RedirectMixin.
def handler(request, page):
    return render(request, page.type.template_name, page_context(request, page=page))

# This is the middleware which you want to add to ``MIDDLEWARE`` as
# ``app.pages.middleware.page_if_404_middleware``. The middleware should be
# added in the last position except if you have a very good reason not to
# do this.
page_if_404_middleware = create_page_if_404_middleware(
    # works too (if .active() doesn't use
    # get_language or anything similar)
    queryset=lambda request:,


Wrap the page handler in a redirect mixin handler

feincms3.root.middleware.create_page_if_404_middleware(*, queryset, handler, language_code_redirect=False)[source]#

Create a middleware for handling pages

This utility is there for your convenience, you do not have to use it. The returned middleware already handles returning non-404 responses as-is, fetching a page instance from the database and calling a user-defined handler on success. It optionally also supports redirecting requests to the root of the app to a language-specific landing page.

Required arguments:

  • queryset: A page queryset or a callable accepting the request and returning a page queryset.

  • handler: A callable accepting the request and a page and returning a response.

Optional arguments:

  • language_code_redirect (False): Redirect visitor to the language code prefix (e.g. /en/, /de-ch/) if request path equals the script prefix (generally /) and no active page for / exists.

Passthru page apps (feincms3.root.passthru)#

The idea of this module is to allow tagging pages to allow programmatically determing the URL of pages which are often linked to, e.g. privacy policy or imprint pages.

Create an application type:

        regions=[Region(key="main", title=_("Main"))],

Reverse the URL of the page (if it exists):

# Raise NoReverseMatch on failure

# Fallback
reverse_passthru("imprint", fallback="/en/imprint/")

# Outside the request-response cycle
reverse_passthru("imprint", urlconf=apps_urlconf())
feincms3.root.passthru.reverse_passthru(namespace, **kwargs)[source]#

Reverse a passthru app URL

Raises NoReverseMatch if page could not be found.