
The feincms3.mixins.RedirectMixin allows redirecting pages to other pages or arbitrary URLs. Inheriting the mixin adds two fields, the char field redirect_to_url and the self-referencing foreign key redirect_to_page:

from feincms3.mixins import RedirectMixin
from feincms3.pages import AbstractPage

class Page(AbstractPage, RedirectMixin):

At most one of redirect_to_url or redirect_to_page may be set, never both at the same time. The actual redirecting is not provided. This has to be implemented in the page view:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

# Inside a view or middleware:
page = ...
if url := page.get_redirect_url():
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
# Default rendering continues here.

If you’re using Root middleware for pages (feincms3.root) you can decorate your handler with add_redirect_handler.