Source code for feincms3.renderer

import inspect
import warnings
from collections import deque

from content_editor.contents import contents_for_item
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.template import Context, Engine
from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject
from django.utils.html import mark_safe

__all__ = (

[docs] class PluginNotRegisteredError(Exception): """ Exception raised when encountering a plugin which isn't known to the renderer. """
# Backwards compatibility PluginNotRegistered = PluginNotRegisteredError
[docs] def default_context(plugin, context): """ Return the default context for plugins rendered with a template, which simply is a single variable named ``plugin`` containing the plugin instance. """ return {"plugin": plugin}
[docs] def render_in_context(context, template, local_context=None): """Render using a template rendering context This utility avoids the problem of ``render_to_string`` requiring a ``dict`` and not a full-blown ``Context`` instance which would needlessly burn CPU cycles.""" if context is None: context = Context() if not hasattr(template, "render"): # Quacks like a template? try: engine = context.template.engine except AttributeError: engine = Engine.get_default() if isinstance(template, (list, tuple)): template = engine.select_template(template) else: template = engine.get_template(template) with context.push(local_context): return template.render(context)
[docs] def template_renderer(template_name, local_context=default_context, /): """ Build a renderer for the region renderer which uses a template (or a list of templates) and optionally a local context function. The context contains the site-wide context variables too when invoked via ``{% render_region %}`` """ return lambda plugin, context: render_in_context( context, template_name, local_context(plugin, context) )
_default_marks = {"default"}
[docs] class RegionRenderer: """ The region renderer knows how to render single plugins and also complete regions. The basic usage is to instantiate the region renderer, register plugins and render a full region with it. """ def __init__(self): self._renderers = {} self._subregions = {} self._marks = {} self.handlers = { key[7:]: getattr(self, key) for key in dir(self) if key.startswith("handle_") }
[docs] def register(self, plugin, renderer, /, subregion="default", marks=_default_marks): """ Register a plugin class The renderer is either a static value or a function which always receives two arguments: The plugin instance and the context. When using ``{% render_region %}`` and the Django template language the context will be a Django template ``Context`` (or even ``RequestContext``) instance. The two optional keyword arguments' are: - ``subregion: str = "default"``: The subregion for this plugin as a string or as a callable accepting a single plugin instance. A matching ``handle_<subregion>`` callable has to exist on the region renderer instance or rendering **will** crash loudly. - ``marks: Set[str] = {"default"}``: The marks of this plugin. Marks only have the meaning you assign to them. Marks are preferrable to running ``isinstance`` on plugin instances especially when using the same region renderer class for different content types (e.g. pages and blog articles). """ if plugin in self._renderers: warnings.warn( f"The plugin {plugin} has already been registered with {self.__class__} before.", stacklevel=2, ) self._renderers[plugin] = renderer self._subregions[plugin] = subregion self._marks[plugin] = marks if callable(renderer) and len(inspect.signature(renderer).parameters) < 2: raise ImproperlyConfigured( f"The renderer function {renderer} has less than the two required arguments." )
[docs] def plugins(self): """ Return a list of all registered plugin classes """ return list(self._renderers)
[docs] def render_plugin(self, plugin, context): """ Render a single plugin using the registered renderer """ try: renderer = self._renderers[plugin.__class__] except KeyError as exc: raise PluginNotRegisteredError( f"Plugin {plugin._meta.label_lower} is not registered" ) from exc if callable(renderer): return renderer(plugin, context) return renderer
[docs] def subregion(self, plugin): """ Return the subregion of a plugin instance """ try: subregion = self._subregions[plugin.__class__] except KeyError as exc: raise PluginNotRegisteredError( f"Plugin {plugin._meta.label_lower} is not registered" ) from exc if callable(subregion): return subregion(plugin) return subregion
[docs] def takewhile_subregion(self, plugins, subregion): """ Yield all plugins from the head of the ``plugins`` deque as long as their subregion equals ``subregion``. """ while plugins and self.subregion(plugins[0]) == subregion: yield plugins.popleft()
[docs] def marks(self, plugin): """ Return the marks of a plugin instance """ try: marks = self._marks[plugin.__class__] except KeyError as exc: raise PluginNotRegisteredError( f"Plugin {plugin._meta.label_lower} is not registered" ) from exc if callable(marks): return marks(plugin) return marks
[docs] def takewhile_mark(self, plugins, mark): """ Yield all plugins from the head of the ``plugins`` deque as long as their marks include ``mark``. """ while plugins and mark in self.marks(plugins[0]): yield plugins.popleft()
[docs] def handle(self, plugins, context): """ Runs the ``handle_<subregion>`` handler for the head of the ``plugins`` deque. This method requires that a matching handler for all values returned by ``self.subregion()`` exists. You probably want to call this method when overriding the rendering of a complete region. """ plugins = deque(plugins) while plugins: yield from self.handlers[self.subregion(plugins[0])](plugins, context)
[docs] def handle_default(self, plugins, context): """ Renders plugins from the queue as long as there are plugins belonging to the ``default`` subregion. """ for plugin in self.takewhile_subregion(plugins, "default"): yield self.render_plugin(plugin, context)
[docs] def render_region(self, *, region, contents, context): """ Render one region. """ return mark_safe("".join(self.handle(contents[region.key], context)))
[docs] def render_regions(self, *, regions, contents, context): """ Render multiple regions. This method should return a dictionary. """ return { region.key: self.render_region( region=region, contents=contents, context=context ) for region in regions }
[docs] def regions_from_contents(self, contents, **kwargs): """ Return an opaque object encapsulating :mod:`content_editor.contents.Contents` and the logic required to render them. All you need to know is that the return value has a ``regions`` attribute containing a list of regions and a ``render`` method accepting a region key and a context instance. """ return _Regions(contents=contents, renderer=self, **kwargs)
[docs] def regions_from_item(self, item, /, *, inherit_from=None, timeout=None, **kwargs): """ Return an opaque object, see :func:`~feincms3.renderer.RegionRenderer.regions_from_contents` Automatically caches the return value if ``timeout`` is truthy. The default cache key only takes the ``item``'s class and primary key into account. You may have to override the cache key by passing ``cache_key`` if you're doing strange^Wadvanced things. """ if timeout and kwargs.get("cache_key") is None: kwargs["cache_key"] = f"regions-{item._meta.label_lower}-{}" contents = SimpleLazyObject( lambda: contents_for_item(item, self.plugins(), inherit_from=inherit_from) ) return self.regions_from_contents(contents, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
# TemplatePluginRenderer compatibility
[docs] def register_string_renderer(self, plugin, renderer): """Backwards compatibility for ``TemplatePluginRenderer``. It is deprecated, don't use in new code.""" warnings.warn( "register_string_renderer is deprecated. Use register instead." " (Hint: register_string_renderer(plugin, renderer) can be replaced by" " register(plugin, renderer) most of the time. The renderer has to be" " changed to accept an additional `context` argument.)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if callable(renderer): self.register(plugin, lambda plugin, context: renderer(plugin)) else: self.register(plugin, renderer)
[docs] def register_template_renderer( self, plugin, template_name, context=default_context ): """Backwards compatibility for ``TemplatePluginRenderer``. It is deprecated, don't use in new code.""" warnings.warn( "register_template_renderer is deprecated. Use register instead." " (Hint: register_template_renderer(plugin, template_name, local_context)" " can be replaced by register(plugin, template_renderer(template_name, local_context))" " most of the time.)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.register(plugin, _compat_template_renderer(template_name, context))
[docs] def render_plugin_in_context(self, plugin, context=None): """Backwards compatibility for ``TemplatePluginRenderer``. It is deprecated, don't use in new code.""" warnings.warn( "render_plugin_in_context is deprecated. Use render_plugin instead." " (Hint: render_plugin works exactly the same except that the `context` argument" " is required.)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.render_plugin(plugin, context)
class _Regions: """ Opaque object implementing the following interface: - ``regions``: A list of regions used for the content editor ``Contents`` instance. - ``render(region_key, context)``: A function which actually runs the renderer. """ def __init__(self, *, contents, renderer, cache_key=None, timeout=None): self._contents = contents self._renderer = renderer self._cache_key = cache_key self._timeout = timeout def _rendered(self, context): caching = self._cache_key and self._timeout if caching and (result := cache.get(self._cache_key)): return result result = self._renderer.render_regions( regions=self.regions, contents=self._contents, context=context ) if caching: cache.set(self._cache_key, result, timeout=self._timeout) return result @property def regions(self): return self._contents.regions def render(self, region_key, context): rendered = self._rendered(context) return rendered.get(region_key, "") def _compat_template_renderer(_tpl, _ctx=default_context, /): """Compatibility implementation which accepts an optionally callable template and an optionally callable context function.""" def renderer(plugin, context): template_name = _tpl(plugin) if callable(_tpl) else _tpl local_context = _ctx(plugin, context) if callable(_ctx) else _ctx return render_in_context(context, template_name, local_context) return renderer
[docs] class TemplatePluginRenderer(RegionRenderer): """ TemplatePluginRenderer is deprecated, use :class:`~feincms3.renderer.RegionRenderer`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "TemplatePluginRenderer is deprecated. Switch to the RegionRenderer now." " (Hint: An incremental upgrade is supported. You can start by" " replacing TemplatePluginRenderer with RegionRenderer, it's just an" " alias with an additional warning.)", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)